National Affiliates
Partnering Organizations
CUE, Computer-Using Educators, is a nonprofit educational corporation founded in 1978. CUE’s goal is to inspire innovative learners in all disciplines from preschool through college. With an active current membership of thousands of educational professionals, CUE supports 22 regional affiliates and 8 Learning Networks. CUE Conferences are California’s premier educational technology events drawing educators from all over the world. CUE is the largest organization of its type in the west and one of the largest in the United States.

The California League of Educators (CLE) offers practitioner-led professional development for educators, by educators. Our human-centered, evidence-based approach helps schools bring meaning and connection back to their communities. As a result, CLE schools experience increased enrollment and attendance, higher staff retention, and improved student achievement.

Organizational Partners
The Benjamin Banneker Association, Inc. is a national non-profit organization dedicated to mathematics education advocacy, establishing a presence for leadership, and professional development to support teachers in leveling the playing field for mathematics learning of the highest quality for African-American students.

AMTE is the largest professional organization devoted to the improvement of mathematics teacher education — it includes over 1,000 members supporting the preservice education and professional development of preK-16 teachers of mathematics. Members include professors, researchers, teacher-leaders, school mathematics coordinators, policy experts, graduate students, and others.

CMC^3 as an organization is committed to engaging in anti-racist practices, and engaging in discourse to address systemic issues of racism and exclusion in STEM education. We continue to dedicate ourselves to the empowerment of marginalized mathematics students from Northern California Community Colleges.

The California Mathematics Project (CMP) is a K-16 network dedicated to providing students a rich, rigorous, and coherent mathematics curriculum taught by competent and confident mathematics teachers who foster ALL students’ proficiency in mathematics—achieving equity in quality. CMP enhances teachers’ mathematical content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge that is aligned to the California Mathematics Standards and Framework. ALL teachers and students become competent mathematical thinkers as they investigate, conjecture, and justify.

TODOS: Mathematics for ALL is an international professional organization that advocates for equity and excellence in mathematics education for ALL students - in particular, Latina/o students. As articulated in the mission and goals, TODOS advances educators' knowledge, develops and supports education leaders, generates and disseminates knowledge, informs the public, influences educational policies, and informs families about education policies and learning strategies. All of these goals ultimately result in providing access to high quality and rigorous mathematics for ALL students.

Big changes are underway for California K–12 education, and we need all the resources possible to help students heal, recover, and thrive. The California Department of Education (CDE) integrate new programs and strategies into our K-12 public schools that address the inequities, learning loss, and the social-emotional needs of our students while supporting families, educators, and local educational agencies.